Yearly Archives: 2012

chance’s adoption

Remember the Thorntons from this post? What I didn’t tell you before is that Jessie & Anthony became Chance’s foster parents when he was six days old.  The photos I first shot for them were back in the spring when he turned one.  And I’m happy to announce that after months of uncertainty throughout the […]

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beth & wes

Meet Beth & Wes.  I love these two, and I don’t see them enough.  I was in their community group at Sojourn before I met my husband and made the ole switcheroo to his group when we got engaged.  Wes recently graduated with his masters from seminary and they were thisclose to moving to California […]

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charli & justin

Charli and Justin are an amazing couple who have a deep love for the Lord and for each other, and it shows.  I could not be more excited to be shooting their wedding in two weeks!

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